20 ESL Conversation Questions for Speaking Practice

In this article, we discuss 20 ESL conversation questions for speaking practice.

When it comes to English conversations, there are many techniques and resources available. We’ll explore 20 ESL conversation questions that can help you speak confidently in English. These questions are great for beginners and advanced learners.

Choose questions that spark conversation and meaningful discussions. Here, you’ll find a variety of conversation starters about personal experiences, opinions, and culture. Exploring these topics can help improve your vocabulary and language skills.

Rather than one-word answers, encourage your partner to elaborate. This will help with speaking and listening comprehension.

One way to use these questions is by having regular conversations with a native speaker. This provides an opportunity for both of you to practice your language skills in a supportive setting.

Rely on these conversation questions instead of textbooks to make your ESL speaking practice fun and engaging!

Why Conversation Questions are Important for ESL Speaking Practice

Conversation questions are a great way to practice ESL speaking. They can improve communication, critical thinking, and vocabulary. Practicing conversation helps learners use language in a realistic and practical way. It also helps build confidence and express opinions. Plus, you can explore different topics and perspectives.

It’s also good for shy or introverted learners as it’s a safe space to practice. Conversation questions can also help develop critical thinking skills. Research by Abrehamsen et al. (2015) shows that conversational exercises can be more beneficial than traditional teaching methods.

Using conversation questions for ESL speaking has many benefits – from improving language skills to avoiding awkward small talk at parties!

Benefits of Using Conversation Questions for ESL Speaking Practice

Using conversation questions for ESL speaking practice has lots of advantages, helping language learners to:

  • Speak more fluently.
  • Learn more words and phrases.
  • Gain confidence in speaking English.
  • Use their knowledge in real-life situations.

Moreover, using conversation questions encourages students to actively take part in the conversations. This helps them become better at speaking and communicating.

To make the most of ESL speaking practice with conversation questions, try these strategies:

  • Create an open and tolerant environment.
  • Set questions at the right difficulty level.
  • Encourage active listening.
  • Give feedback to help them improve.

By following these suggestions, teachers can make conversation questions for ESL speaking practice even more beneficial for students. Who knows, the answers they get might even blow their minds!

How to Use Conversation Questions for ESL Speaking Practice

Using conversation questions for ESL speaking practice is an effective way to improve language skills. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  1. Make a list of questions: Gather questions that cover different topics and language components.
  2. Assign roles: Split the class into pairs or groups and assign each student a role. This encourages participation and builds confidence.
  3. Offer guidance and structure: Give students directions on how to converse using the questions. Listen, speak and use the right grammar and vocabulary.
  4. Monitor and give feedback: Watch the conversations and provide constructive feedback on pronunciation, fluency and accuracy. Encourage them to fix errors themselves.
  5. Encourage open-ended discussions: Ask students to elaborate, express opinions and discuss personal experiences related to the questions.

It’s essential to create an encouraging environment where students feel safe taking risks speaking English. By following these techniques, you’ll enhance speaking practice and speed up language acquisition.

To get the best out of conversation questions for ESL speaking practice, give your students plenty of chances to have meaningful conversations. Remember that regular practice leads to better fluency, confidence and overall language proficiency.

Make the most of this opportunity to make a great impact on your students’ language learning! Stimulate discussions with these 20 ESL conversation questions!

20 ESL Conversation Questions for Speaking Practice

Are you up for the challenge? Here are 20 thought-provoking ESL Conversation Questions for Speaking Practice!

  • What’s your fave way to chill after a long day?
  • What’s the most memorable trip you’ve ever taken?
  • How do you define success in life?
  • Do you prefer physical books or e-books? Why?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • If you could live anywhere, where’d it be and why?
  • Tell me about a time you overcame a challenge.
  • What’s one thing on your bucket list you haven’t achieved yet?
  • How has technology changed communication?
  • Do you think it’s important to learn about other cultures? Why?
  • Describe the ideal vacation you’d like.
  • What’s your favorite type of music and why?
  • Share a book or movie that has had a big impact on you.
  • What advice has stuck with you?
  • Tell me about a hobby that brings you joy.
  • If money weren’t an issue, what’d be your dream job?
  • What skill or talent would you like to develop?

Not only will discussing these topics help you hone your English skills, but it’ll also open up your world view. Plus, listening to and asking follow-up questions will show interest and lead to more meaningful conversations. So, grab a conversation partner and get practicing!


We’ve explored 20 ESL convo questions for speaking practice. These questions give English learners the chance to improve their speaking, learn vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, and build confidence.

Plus, these convo questions can be adapted for different proficiency levels and learning contexts. Teachers can use them in classes as interactive activities, or in group discussions or language exchange sessions.

The effectiveness of using convo questions for speaking has been noted throughout history. They help students overcome fear, promote critical thinking and cultural awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of these conversation questions?

These conversation questions are designed to help ESL learners practice their speaking skills in a more interactive and engaging way. They cover a wide range of topics to encourage meaningful conversations and improve fluency.

2. How can I use these conversation questions effectively?

There are several ways you can use these conversation questions. You can pair up with a partner and take turns asking and answering the questions. You can also form small groups and discuss the questions together. Additionally, you can use them as writing prompts or even practice speaking alone by answering the questions out loud.

3. Are these conversation questions suitable for all English proficiency levels?

Yes, these conversation questions are designed to cater to various English proficiency levels. The questions are intentionally kept simple and straightforward, making them accessible to beginners. However, advanced learners can also benefit from these questions by expanding on their answers and engaging in deeper discussions.

4. Can I modify these conversation questions to suit specific topics or themes?

Absolutely! These conversation questions serve as a starting point, but you are encouraged to modify them according to your needs. You can adapt the questions to specific topics or themes that you want to focus on in your English conversation practice.

5. Where can I find more conversation questions for ESL practice?

There are numerous online resources and ESL textbooks that provide conversation questions for speaking practice. You can also find interactive conversation question apps or join online English discussion forums to engage in conversations with other English learners.

6. How long should I spend on each conversation question?

There is no fixed time limit for each conversation question. It depends on the level of discussion and engagement among the participants. Some questions may lead to longer discussions, while others may have shorter answers. The goal is to practice speaking and maintain a natural flow of conversation.

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